Kristin Mack - Women's Department Lead & SAL Administrator

Together 4 Good (T4G) is a community event hosted by Life Challenge Ministries in Detroit, MI to bring awareness of the drug epidemic that is ravaging our city and our nation. Life Challenge is here to be a part of the solution and our mission is to restore communities by bringing faith-based recovery to the addicted. To do this we need your help so I'm asking you to consider donating to my campaign page, a resident's campaign page, or creating your own!
Goal $5,000.00
3.5% towards our goal
$175.00 raised
Mack Family
$ 50.00
good luck on this worthy effort!
Nicole & Vino
$ 25.00
Thanks for the work you do!
Like many of us my life has been impacted by addiction; whether it is a family member, a friend, or your own struggle. I’m here to proclaim that Jesus has the power to rescue people from addiction! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be on staff at Life Challenge Ministries where we get to provide people with hope, help, and healing through Jesus Christ EVERY DAY. Thank you for taking the time to click on and read through my campaign page. If you feel led, please consider donating in one of the ways I mentioned above so that together we can continue to crush the crisis!